Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hula Hoop Obsession

So as you know I was working on drawing a big girl hula hooping! I am moving on from the other one. I just need to add a few things to the original and then I will start on this new one that I have almost all the poses for.

The other one I did one day after this idea of a Phat girl hula hooping against a skinny girl in a contest. I posted the mini thumbs of that earlier this week. So I did the first animation that you saw a while back and that was fun but it wasn't really there in terms of movement. So now I am trying to take it a step further. So what you will see on this post is the thumbnails and the pose planing that I have been working on for my girl. Oh and by the way her name is Candy Peters. I thought I would post these cause today I am working on hula hoop observation. You tube has a wealth of videos. I actually didn't use these for these poses though. These poses were done about a week ago in the bus on the way home. and not all at the same time. I even found a video of a phat girl that hoops and she gives very good instruction on how to move the hoop up and down the body and how you have to use a bit of foot work to really get the motion going. She is awesome. So enjoy. I will be back later.

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